WordPress – Level 1

Rs. 8000

Rs. 3000

Sagar Chhetri
3 Review
Website Development


  • Lectures 7
  • Quizzes 7
  • Duration 10 hour
  • Skill level Begineer
  • Language Wordpress
  • Students 45
  • Assessments 1
Course Description

– Website Fundamentals
– Domain Registration (.np, .com)
– Cloudflare
– SSL Setup
– DNS Setup
– GitHub / GIT
– Free Hosting
– Server Setup
– WordPress Theme
– SEO Setup


Plus, upon completion, receive a certificate to showcase your newfound skills. Join us now and embark on your journey to mastering WordPress! This certificate will be kept at highest priority by our 11+ jobs and internship partners.

Learning Outcomes
1. Understand the fundamental concepts of website development.
2. Learn how to register a domain name, including both .np and .com domains.
3. Gain proficiency in setting up Cloudflare for enhanced website performance and security.
4. Master the process of setting up SSL certificates to ensure secure connections to your website.
5. Acquire knowledge of DNS setup and management for smooth website operation.
6. Learn how to use GitHub and Git for version control and collaborative development.
7. Explore options for free hosting and understand the benefits and limitations.
8. Understand the basics of server setup and configuration for hosting WordPress websites.
9. Discover how to select and customize WordPress themes to suit your website’s design needs.
10. Gain insights into SEO setup techniques to improve your website’s visibility in search engine results.
By the end of the course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge needed to create and manage a WordPress website effectively.


Sagar Chhetri

Hey all, Let me introduce myself. I am Sagar Chhetri, professionally I have around 4 years of full stacks coding experience. Currently, Its been around 3 years in Business and Digital Marketing. I run multiple tech, marketing, media companies over 25+ employees, As well and we have partnered with 10+ companies for jobs and internships. I could be your mentor for Website Development or Digital Marketing. However, at SSIT We have multiple courses. My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sagar-chhetri101



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