C and C++ Programming
C and C++ training in Kirtipur is designed for novice seeking to improve their programming skills. Considering the popularity and efficiency of C, it helps newcomers while writing a program in C language. Also, students obtain skills from mastering C that are necessary to learn advanced programming languages such as Python, Ruby and PHP.
- Lectures 45
- Quizzes 10
- Duration 1.5months
- Skill level Beginner
- Language English
- Students 15
- Assessments 10
Course Description
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming using C++
- Procedural versus Object Oriented Programming
- Features of C++
- History of C++
Fundamentals of C programming
- Structure of C++ program
- C++ Tokens (Keywords, Identifiers, Literals, Operators, and Separators)
- Data Types and Variables
- Defining Constant
- Type Conversion and Promotion Rules
- Preprocessor Directives and Namespaces
- Stream Input/Output in C++
Control Structures in C++
- Decission Making Statements
- Loops
- Branching Statements
Functions in C++
- Declaration and Definition of Function
- Inline Function
- Default Argument
- Pass by Value and Pass by Reference
- Return statement
- Function Overloading
Array, Pointer and Strings
- Array in C++
- Pointer in C++
- String Handling in C++
Object and Classes
- Class in C++
- Object and its Members
- Access Specifier
- Constructors in C++
- Destructors in C++
- Understanding Static Member in C++
OOP Principals
- Inheritance
- Enccapsulation
- Polymorphism
- Pure Virtual Functions and Abstracct Class
Exception Handling
- Error Handling
- Exception Handling Using try, catch and throw
- Function Template
- Class Template
Project Work
A project work is done covering all the topics in this course. A project will implement object oriented concept and bring out student potential in applying such principles in modern application development.
Plus, upon completion, receive a certificate to showcase your newfound skills. Join us now and embark on your journey to mastering C/C++! This certificate will be kept at highest priority by our 11+ jobs and internship partners.
Learning Outcomes
As a result, this course is designed by professional C experts to consort innovation and deliver competition in a training meanwhile providing solid programming foundation for the aspiring programmers.
WoM - Marketing
InstructorSenior Tech Team from WoM - Marketing